Monday, June 14, 2010

Bozeman, Montana

Friday, around 5 pm, we pulled off I-90 into the Walmart parking lot in Bozeman, Montana. This was our first stop at 'Camp Walmart' and we joined several other rigs parked for the night. Yep!, an Ipad app, recommended the Naked Noodle for dinner so we unhooked the tow car and drove to town. Downtown was packed with "Art Walk" walkers hopping in and out of the galleries lining Main street. It was about 50 degrees outside but I has dressed in shorts as if I was back in Tucson.

Bozeman is a small college town with a major research university - Montana State U. We entered the Naked Noodle and it felt like being on State St in Madison. Linda got in line to order off the menu on the wall and I headed for the one remaining table. No sooner than I sat down and pulled out my Ipad than this guy comes over and wants a demonstration. So of course I oblige. I always start with the NY Times app since we use it constantly to keep up with what's happening in the world. Next he wants to see how to read and listen to books, so I demo those apps. Then he asks about Pandora. "Sure, let's take a look."

Up comes Pandora with my list of radio stations that play, Patsy Cline, Nate King Cole, Billie Holiday, and Bob Dylan. He clicks on Bob Dylan and within seconds over the speaker comes, "Like a Rolling Stone." He motions to his girl friend to come hear this. "You know I met this gal on the Internet and in courting her I recited, from memory, The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock, by T. S. Eliot. In response, she recited 'Subterranean Homesick Blues' by Bob Dylan. BAM! that did it, a perfect fit."

After dinner we walked around town peeking in on one of the galleries before heading back to Walmart. When we arrived, I discovered we had left the headlights on the RV on for about 3 hours. Tried to start it and couldn't get it to crank over. Luckily, Walmart sells batteries and will charge any battery for free. I took my dead battery out, put it in a grocery cart, and wheeled it to the battery center. Next morning it was charged and ready to go. I installed it and we were off.

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